Sunday 6 November 2011

One and Four

There are 411 posts in the bin (Published + draft) and there are 114 followers. Now I feel like Michael Schumacher who won his 7th World championship in the same race where Ferrari won their 700th race and he said “Eet eez zust ze reverrrzze.”

And here is a tit-bit: On 7th November, 1996 NASA launched the Mars Global Surveyor. Also Doodle tells me its Madam Curie’s 144th Bday. Her research shall forever radiate through the millions of peoples who were treated for cancer.

All you 114 people are AWESOME. The 4th Comic is out, hope you like it :)


Anonymous said...
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Namratha said...

I am part of that 114..yay! ^_^

Iceman said...
