Sunday 6 November 2011

The Million Dollar Moustache

There is a saying in Kannada:
ಊಟ ತನ್ನ ಇಚ್ಛೆ , ನೋಟ  ಪರರ ಇಚ್ಛೆ 
It means, what you eat, is up to you, but what you look like is governed by the people who are around you.
Having heard this (only a few million times from my mum), my sudden fits of wanting to trying to try new things (plus the adrenaline rush of some very good coffee that day) caused me to shave off my moustache and then
* My dad had a mild heart attack.                                                                                   
* My mum disowned me.                                                                                   
* Two girls changed their phone number.                                                       
* I was banned for life from entering Big Bazaar.

and finally

* A puppy committed suicide.

I have learnt my lesson, I'm never doing that again. (Unless the fit repeats or have loads of good coffee. I have no control you see.)

And if my prospective girlfriend is reading this post, I'm sure I have changed the equation a bit. This is why I don't want a lot of girls reading my blog. Reduces my options.


Mooseman said...

Facial Hair is always tricky. No matter what you do ... you end up looking weird for a couple of weeks. until everyone gets used to it.

This happens even if you revert back to your old style after a couple of yrs. Believe me , this has happened to me. :-/

Iceman said...

'Facial hair' sounds so errrrrr doesn't it? :P And it is actually used to sound more formal.

Mooseman said...

I was just generalizing . now that you mention it ... yes , it does sound a little errrrr :D

Pooja said...

Poor Pup :-P

Iceman said...
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Iceman said...

@Viki :D

Yep. Being an animal lover, I just had to stop doing that.

Namratha said...

LOL...puppy committed suicide! Awesome!

Iceman said...

Dog hater!