Saturday 1 January 2011

Happy new year '11

I hope the year brings everything in a better quality, quantity and spirit than the years that passed!

Thank you all for the wishes. My year has taken off with a total bang. My network carrier decided to disconnect my phone at 0000hrs exactly, because there were some documents missing. (Which I did submit yesterday morning!). What an Idea sirji?
However, its not clear what disconnect really means, because some calls are getting through while most calls get 'call rejected' signal. In some cases, I recieve missed calls *slaps forehead* Most messages are getting through too. However, I am unable to respond or call back. So have to thank you here for now, Thank You! Again, for all the wishes and Happy new year :)


Gauri Gharpure said...

New Year wishes..

Iceman said...

Thnx GG! Happy new year to you too :)