Monday, 14 April 2008

My success sweeter than yours, HAHA!

Its true,
There are somethings money can't buy.As a kid I always wished to grow up to be the richest guy in the world.Even then, it was not the money that I wanted nor the status of being the richest, but all the things that I had thought money will fetch me.True gemini, I still don't run after materialistic pleasures.

As myself, I say, a life spent in pursuit of materialistic pleasures is no life at all...but sometimes I do wish I was more like that, cause those dreams seem more attainable than mine.

"What do you want?" is the hardest question to ask me...because I don't know what I want that can be bought at a store.In fact there must be no such thing and yet I am not satisfied.

I have been an Army general.Don't jump.I have been posted at the border{(<15<)(<35<)(<60<)(etc,.)(:P)} for what seems like forever.I have been enjoying border patrol.I can drop any moment,must win the war before that!

I have tasted amazing highs and heart breaking lows.Thats why, my moments of triumph are sweeter cause I know the difference.I always thought my life was a big bad joke, but I now look and laugh at those who haven't tasted failures like mine, cause buddy, my success rocks more than yours.

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